Abstract—Countermeasures to subsynchronous resonance
(SSR) are usually based on devices with a high power rating installed in the high voltage network. For damping subsynchronous oscillations and resonance in two island power systems of the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), a novel thyristor controlled damping circuit was developed. The parallel connected damper circuit (PCDC) is directly connected to the generator busbars (in parallel to the generator auxiliary systems) and has a rated power which is thirty times lower than the generator’s nominal power. The PCDC generates active power with a defined frequency corresponding to one of the mechanical natural frequencies of the shaft assembly, thus causing the same effect as an increased natural damping of one of the torsional modes of the shaft system. It is controlled by a direct torque measurement permitting to operate the PCDC independently from other control systems or devices installed in the network. The device is in daily use at IPP where it is applied to two large flywheel generators in the 500 MVA power supply of an experimental tokamak. Based on the experience gained with this application, numerical simulations on applying this proven damping method to turbine generators in utility networks have been performed. They show that a PCDC can be an attractive alternative to conventional SSR countermeasures.
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